Burman Mailing Lists

Burman Mailing lists

The Burman University email system is enhanced by mailing lists. Mailing lists make it easier to send a message to multiple people using only one email address that is easy to remember.
 At Burman any member of staff or faculty is able to create (and manage) their own mailing list.
All email lists that are created by users, end with a -usr@burmanu.ca (i.e. user list for test, will be test-usr@burmanu.ca).
Burman maintains general lists that are managed by Burman Administration. 

Following is a list of "Burman-maintained" lists. 

Current Faculty: Currently employed Full-Time Burman Faculty (not including contract faculty), mail: faculty-current@burmanu.ca

Contract Faculty: Currently employed Burman Faculty on a contract basis,  mail: faculty-contract@burmanu.ca

Faculty Emeritus: All Burman Faculty with Emeritus status, mail: faculty-Emeritus@burmanu.ca

Faculty Council Members: Current members of Faculty Council, mail: faculty-Council@burmanu.ca

BurmanStudents: All current Burman students, mail: BurmanStudents@burmanu.ca 
Staff: Burman staff (including administrators), mail: staff@burmanu.ca 
Others: Burman Contract workers or others we do business with, mail: others-usr@burmanu.ca 



The Computer Services committee has requested the addition of a new group for the purpose of handling any messages announcing 'for sale' or 'for free' items through the campus email system. This would include all textbook sales or inquiries, class or personal fundraisers like fruit sales, free puppy announcements etc.  
We have therefore set up a group called Items4Sale.  Any messages that you want to send to either of the Staff, Faculty-Current, Burman Students or Faculty-Contract groups must be sent to the Items4Sale@burmanu.ca address; they will then be delivered to all of the users in the above groups.  Please be reminded that any commercial venture (interpreted as regular for-profit activity as opposed to one-off item sales) must be cleared by the administration.
Each user may then set their preferences for how this Items4Sale group will notify them of messages delivered.  You may select not to receive these messages at all, receive a daily digest of messages that were delivered that day, get a notification only when 25 messages have accumulated since the last one, or continue with the default choice where all messages are delivered to your inbox.

To change your settings for delivery of messages posted to this group, from your GMail screen, click on APPS GRID on the top right and select the GROUPS icon.  Find the Items4Sale group listed in My Groups, and click on it.  Next, click the 'My membership Settings' near the bottom of the left menu list.   Under the Subscription box, select the 'no email' option to stop receiving messages from this group, then click the Save Changes button.

Please contact the Information Technology office (x4021 or ITTicket@Burmanu.ca) if you have any questions about this procedure.